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Updated: Sep 11, 2022

What is consuming your media, your life, and your day-to-day? Is it stories about what God is doing in people's lives? Is it negative politics? Corrupting content? Disappointing worldly news? When was the last time you shared an experience about how your encountered God? What was the previous encouraging story you heard about Christ? Is God evident, even in your Media?

We have felt the weight social media can have, not only in this past year but ever since Social Media became quite an essential part of our society. With one click or tap, your perspective could change, your mind could wander, or an addiction can prevail. Every once in a while, we hear a well-known missionary, preacher, or influencer share a special message, experience, or story about God and what he has done in their life. We've heard of remarkable healings in Africa, life-changing dreams in the Middle East, and traumatic experiences that change the course of someone's life. However, you don't often hear day-to-day stories about how God blessed someone unless the person is someone very well-known, a friend, or someone you happen to follow on social media. For some, arguably most, the Media is scary to participate in when it comes to your beliefs. Many, if not most, feel the pressure to stay in the current and just post what is pleasing to the majority instead of speaking on important matters. And no, I am not talking about politics or current events. I am talking about using your Media as a voice of God. If someone were to "stalk" your Instagram, would they know you were a follower of Christ? Does your Facebook post reflect a person pursuing being more like Christ? Are your tweets honoring God?

The purpose of this blog/platform is to encourage followers of Christ to share and hear about What Christ is doing in the daily lives of God's family!

There are a few ways you can stay active and involved! One way is to share what God is doing in your life, such as a mission trip you went on, a person you spoke with today, or a little thought God brought to your head. ANYTHING that glorifies our Heavenly father and encourages one another in Christ; SHARE IT! Another way is to submit prayer requests so our team and others can pray over you! Lastly, ask questions, voice concerns, or address any challenging topics you may be afraid to discuss. Let's learn, grow, and encourage one another in Christ!

This platform will also be used to expand on passages, difficult topics, and random Biblical facts that make life more fun!

"And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation'" (Mark 16:15, ESV).


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Feb 04, 2023

Soul Reader Series: Hearting Enabled: Book3 launched this past week. You support my launch by purchasing, downloading and leaving a short review. The book is free Saturday 2/4 and $0.99 thereafter for a limited time. See the trailer below. Here's a link to the book on Amazon.


Feb 04, 2023


Sep 13, 2022

Proud of you! & can’t wait to follow along with what God is going to do through Called to Proclaim!

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